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2x Water

2x Grass

2x Ground

2x Bug

2x Steel

4x Fight


1/2 Normal

1/2 Fire

1/2 Poison

1/2 Flying

1/2 Ghost

1/2 Dark

None Psychic

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Q: What are Tyranitars weakness in heartgold?
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What is Tyranitars weakness?

Fighting (x4), Grass, Water.

How do you beat the Mahogony 's gym in Pokemon heartgold?

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Where are Tyranitars or its evelutions loctated in Pokemon firered Specicfic answer please?

Island 6, in the grassy area around the sapphire cave.

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They are not in Pokemon HeartGold

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Red has alomst no weakness unless you have a type for each of his Pokemon that is strong against it like a fighting type Pokemon for his snorlax and a electric Pokemon for his blastoise use potions and stuff often and try to bring revives

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She had a weakness for chocolate.We shall use our enemy's weakness against them.He felt a weakness in the knees.The interviewer asked me what my biggest weakness was.

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Hoenn is not in heartgold version, only johto and kanto are in heartgold, hoenn is in emerald

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HeartGold is the correct title.

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