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Only by trading a Squirtle to HeartGold.

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Q: Can you get a Wartortle in Pokemon HeartGold?
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What level does Squirtle need to be on to evolve in Pokemon heartgold?

squirtle to wartortle lv 16 wartortle to blastoise lv 36

What type of Pokemon is Wartortle?

Wartortle is a Water type pokemon.

What type is the Pokemon Wartortle?

Wartortle is a purely Water-type Pokemon.

When does wartortle evolve in Pokemon FireRed?

wartortle evolves into blastoise in fire red

What level does Wartortle evolve at in Pokemon?

Wartortle evolves at level 36 into Blastoise.

Where can you catch a Blastoise in Pokemon HeartGold?

You need to pick Squirtle as your starter,And evolve him into Blastoise.other than that no idea.

What level can a Wartortle evolve on Pokemon indigo?

Wartortle evolves into Blastoise at level 36.

What level wartortle evolve in heart gold?

Wartortle evolves at the same level in every Pokemon game. Wartortle evolves at level 36. Wartortle will then evolve into a Blastoise.

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What is the national pokedex number for Wartortle?

Wartortle is #8 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.

How do you catch a Wartortle in Pokemon Cosmic?

Wartortle is found in Route 230 and Route 226. You need a Super Rod to encounter Wartortle. He is 15% of the time.