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Q: What is the evolution of Pokemon Squirtle?
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What is Blastoise the Pokemon first evovletion?

Squirtle is the first evolution, then it becomes Wartortle, and after that it becomes a Blastoise.

How does Squirtle evolve?

Squirtle evolves through leveling up. Beginning at level 16, it evolves into Wartortle. (Then Wartortle evolves into Blastoise beginning at level 36). Blastoise is the the final evolution of the line beginning with Squirtle. If an evolution is delayed (because the wild Pokemon chooses not to evolve, or the trainer cancels the evolution), the Pokemon will continue trying to evolve each time it levels up after the level listed. Holding an Everstone will prevent Pokemon from evolving through leveling up.

How do you get blastoist on Pokemon HeartGold version?

You can't hatch a Blastiose because it's not the first evolution, but you can hatch Squirtle.

What level do you evolve Squirtle on Pokemon platinum?

Evolution ChainSquirtle-- Level 16 --> Wartortle-- Level 36 -->Blastoise

What type of Pokemon is Squirtle?

Squirtle is a Water type pokemon.

Can you get a Squirtle in Pokemon Crystal?

Squirtle is not available in Pokemon Crystal. Squirtle can only be found in Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow. Squirtle can be traded to Crystal from those titles.

What type is the Pokemon Squirtle?

Squirtle is a purely Water-type Pokemon.

Where is Squirtle in Pokemon FireRed version?

You get Squirtle as one of the starter pokemon.

Where do you get Squirtle in Pokemon LeafGreen?

in squirtle land

How do you catch Squirtle on Pokemon Blue?

You can't catch a Squirtle. It's one of the Pokemon you can get from oak. You have to trade with someone who already has a Squirtle.

What is Sqirtle's evolution?

Squirtle---> Wartortle--->Blastoise

What stone do you need to evolve squirtle?

You do not need to evolve Squirtle using an Evolution Stone. Squirtle evolves into Wartortle at level 16.