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a hole new island opens up after u beat the eleat 4 including the batle tower and the extra rute past the eleat 4 and u can catch all the Pokemon in the game or level yours up to level 100

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Q: What aftermath actions can you do after beating E4 in Diamond?
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How do you get a national pokedex on pokemon pearl?

after beating the E4 the professor will give it to you as a gift

What is the e4 on Pokemon Diamond?

Some of the strongest Pokemon trianers in Pokemon diamond & paerl

On Pokemon diamond after beating the elite 4 what do you do?

Try to get the national dex, or battle using wi-fi. Try to catch all Pokes, or try to train yours to lvl 100. It doesn't end after the E4 :P

Can you get out of the E4 if you are in there battleing in Pokemon Pearl?

unless you die. i got diamond so that and pearl are the same but with different Pokemon SOME STUPID PERSON SAID THERE IS A CHEAT TO UNLOCK THE DOORS WITHOUT BEATING E4 so i tried it. you got to have hm moves rock smash, waterfall,surf,and rock climb. i tried it but it didn't work!

Do you have to beat the league in emerald version before you can migrate the Pokemon into pearl?

No you don't. You can just put your Emerald game in the dual slot and select Migrate from Emerald on the Pokemon Pearl screen when and after you load it up. You can migrate anytime without ever beating the E4 in Emerald~ hope that helped. :3 No. But you do need to beat the elite 4 on pearl/diamond. Actually... no. You just have to have the National dex completed. You don't necessarily have to beat the E4 in Diamond/Pearl~

When i try to migrate from Pokemon leafgreen to Pokemon diamond there is no option to migrate to Pokemon diamond please help?

you need to beat the E4

Can you get promoted in the army from E3 to E4 while pregnant?

Yes. Promotion from E3 to E4 is automatic, and being pregnant doesn't constitute a flag and barring from favourable actions.

In Pokemon pearl where is the easiest way to find bagon?

After beating the E4, and you have the national dex. go east of celestic town at the top of route 210. you need defog. go in the grass at the top and use poke radar. bagon is only in pearl, not diamond.

Where do you rebattle red at in soul silver?

Mount silver after beating all 16 gym leaders and the E4! :D Hes at the top! :D

How do you get to the secret city in Pokemon diamond?

u supposedly have to beat the e4 7 times in a row but im not sure

Were do you go when you have beat team galactic on Pokemon diamond?

Sunyshore city. Beat volkner and go and beat the E4!