BRUH...... I'll answer it though......... Tamzin Outhwaite
Julia Roberts
Grace Kelly was a famous actress. Julie Andrews is a singer and actress. Lucille Ball was a comic actress. Jodie Foster is a famous actress.
Frank Sinatra
Elizabeth Taylor and Elizabeth Montgomery were famous actresses. Their name begins with the letter e.
Jennifer Lopez and Julie Andrews are singers. Judy Garland was a famous singer and actress.
There are probably hundreds of them
Either father's name's first letter or House name's first letter.
Julia Roberts
An actress with Ward as the surname and a first name, Rachel, is Rachel Ward from Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Ward's husband is Bryan Brown, whom she met while filming The Thorn Birds.
Salma Hayek
Anne HathawayAnna Kendrick
Winnona Ryder
A surname is usually capitalized on the first letter, except where it has a leading de or d' indicating a nobility name, where the first letter afterward is capitalized.
Jenna Dean, Lisa Dean Ryan
Grace Kelly was a famous actress. Julie Andrews is a singer and actress. Lucille Ball was a comic actress. Jodie Foster is a famous actress.
Katharine Hepburn is an actress. Her name begins with the letter K.
Linda Iennaco (Enchanted, 2007) Betsy Efron