An actress who has nine letters in their last name include Amy Brenneman and Kristen Chenowith.
if your talking about the blonde girl in that commercial i know her first name is ashley.... I forgot her last name, but grew up with her. she is more beautiful now then ever The Black actress is Sonya Maddox
Lisa Bonet ; Lisbon
Julia Roberts
Ah, what a delightful little puzzle we have here! The actress you're thinking of is likely Halle Berry. Her first name has five letters and her last name also has five letters, creating a perfect balance just like adding a happy little tree to a beautiful landscape.
Here's an example of a five letter word which reads the same when the first and last letters are dropped: gnome and nom (as in 'nom de plume')
Pearl pear earl ear
Pearl pear earl ear
hears, ear
The word is empty. If you take away the first, last and middle letter the word sounds like mpty, empt and emty.
You didn't specify first or last name.... Diane Keaton Debbie Reynolds
Some five letter words with the last letter O are:achooaudiobanjobingobimbobongobravoburrocargocellocombocondocredodingodiscodittogeckoguanogustoHellohippohydroigloojumbokazoolassolimbolingomachomangomottonachopatiopestophotopianopintoprontoradioRatiorhinorodeoromeosalvoschmostenotabootangotempotorsoturbowackowazooyahoo
Actress with last name that starts with the letter A:Pamela AndersonJulie AndrewsLori Anderson