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Q: What is the surname of US actress - first name Morgan?
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Where does the surname 'Morgans' come from?

the surname Morgan comes from Ireland and is a common first middle and sur name

Where did the name Phillips come from?

The name phillipc goes back to the 17th century and is related to the surname "Morgan". The name Phillips comes back from 17th century. It is related to the surname "Morgan". The surname Phillips is also related to the Williams Family.

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An actress with Ward as the surname and a first name, Rachel, is Rachel Ward from Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Ward's husband is Bryan Brown, whom she met while filming The Thorn Birds.

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BRUH...... I'll answer it though......... Tamzin Outhwaite

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Captain Morgan's first name is not publicly known.

What is Malena Morgan's real name?

The actress known as Malena Morgan's real name is Carly Morrison. She was born in Bradenton, Florida in 1991.

Is Israel a Hebrew surname?

Yes, but it can also be a first name, as well as a non-jewish surname or first name.

Do vietnamese have their surname last?

As with most Asian names, the Vietnamese order is Surname first, then first name. E.g. Nguyen Tam- Tam= first name; Nguyen= surname