

Best Answer

Here are some other RPG's that are similar to RuneScape:* World of Warcraft * Guild Wars * Fallen Sword * Maplestory * Dragon Fable * Tribal Wars * Flyff If you are looking for online games with chat:

* I.M.V.U * Habbo Hotel * The Sims Online

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Q: What RPG's are similar to RuneScape?
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What are some rpgs like RuneScape?

No rpg is similar to runescape. Think about all the skills and so much content runescape has to offer. You should never get bored lol. I'm sure there are better rpgs out there though. Check

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RuneScape, World of Warcraft, Evony, and DragonFable are some online RPG's.

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yes very similar if you know what i mean

Were can you play free fun rpgs like runescape?

There are games at there are also,,,etc.

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If you like RuneScape, why not just play RuneScape?

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They are similar to shoulder fired rockets.

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There are none that are free and similar to runescape, other than a runescape private server.

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Runescape is renowned as the best free rpg, and very easy to set up with no downloads neccesary

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What is one true answer about RPGs?

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