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Q: What Pokemon is number 641 in the pokedex in pokemon white?
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Who is the Pokemon in pokedex number 429 in pokemon white?

It is Mismagius.

What Pokemon is number 233 in pokemon black and white?

If you're asking specifically about the Unova Pokedex; there is no number 233. If you are asking about in the National Pokedex, it's Porygon2.

What pokedex number is lillipup in Pokemon white?

Lillipup is number 012 in the Unova Pokedex, and 505 in the National.

How many Pokemon in black and white 2 pokedex?

There are 300 Pokemon in the Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Unova Pokedex.

How do you check what region a Pokemon is from in Pokemon White?

You can't. But you can figure it out by looking at it's pokedex# and what other pokemon are near it in the pokedex.

How many Pokemon in Pokemon black and white's national pokedex?

There are 649 pokemon.

What pokemon comes after virizion in the Pokemon white pokedex?


Is there a national pokedex in Pokemon white?

All Pokemon main series games share one national pokedex.

What pokedex has all 649 Pokemon?

The National Pokedex of Black or White.

How many Pokemon are in the national pokedex?

649 [including Pokemon black and white]

Why wont Pokemon appear on the gts in black and white?

Because you don't have the pokemon in the pokedex

When will the Pokemon Black and White pokedex be released?
