All you have to do is fill the Pokedex completeley. There are some pokemon which you will have to trade from white but you can do it.
you cant
depends what pokemon it depends if it is a special or physical attacker
defog is no longer a hm move but if you want to get rid of it go to the place with fog on your birthday
nothing it gets rid of itself if put in pc box and it last a while i don't know why you want to want do get rid of it it makes it easier to train cause its stronger
Why do you want to get rid of pokemon in a pokemon game? That sounds useless... If you mean you caught too much pokemon you go to "PC" (in any pokecenter) and choose release pokemon.
you cant
If you are talking about the question marks in the pokedex, then you have to catch them, trade them, or find an action replay code. If you need more help on where to find them, go to
The solution depends on what version you're playing. Usually, depositing you Pokemon into a box will fix this glitch. Alternativly, try taking your Pokemon to the Name Rater's house to change the nicknames.
You have 2 catch kyurem then they will disappear
Nobody has answered your question because it is grammatically incorrect. What do you MEAN, down? And why do you WANT to get rid of TMs?!
depends what pokemon it depends if it is a special or physical attacker
That Pokemon you are referring to is called missngno. It, so far cannot be destroyed.Even if you were to try to release it,it will come back. the best advice for now is LEAVE IT IN THE PC FOREVERRRRR! those are the so called consequences for messing with the game. It is extremely cool to show to your friends but do not,and i repeat do not open its stats, as it will freeze instantly.
Your computer will list the answer
defog is no longer a hm move but if you want to get rid of it go to the place with fog on your birthday
nothing it gets rid of itself if put in pc box and it last a while i don't know why you want to want do get rid of it it makes it easier to train cause its stronger
If you hacked a Pokémon or even received a hacked one then you need to release them and get an action replay to get new Pokémon or just start over on your host Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and/or delete your file on Pokémon Battle Revolution.
Master balls are Superior pokeballs so it catches all Pokemon no question so why get rid of it?