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Any pokemon really,exept sunkern,magikarp,and feebas.If you train them and care for them

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Q: What Pokemon is more powerful out of Darkrai and Cresselia?
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How do you find darkrai and Palkia and Cresselia in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorer of sky?

I'm on your problem too. But I finished Explorers of Time, Play until the event shows up during your sleep. Go to for more Pokemon info

How many legendary Pokemon in platinum?

there are more than eight! darkrai cresselia giratina palkia dialga uxie azelf mespirit manaphy phione regigigigas regirock regice registeel hope this has helped alot! :)

Is Darkrai powerful in Pokemon explorers of time?

Darkrai is a slightly above average Pokemon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series due to his ability to learn many TM's such as thunder bolt. Also, darkrai has the ability to travel on every terrain. The bad part about this is Darkrai will have a belly decrease for each step taken in a wall (not including water, lava, or pit). In lava Darkrai gets burned. Over all, Darkrai is more powerful in sky version due to the move ominuous wind, a move that hits all the Pokemon in the same room, especially poewrful and useful againts other room-sweeping Pokemon. In my opinion, darkrai is rather weak as a partner Pokemon, but use him as a player (teach him faint attack, a good 25 pp move for longer dungeons). Just make sure that you don't travel through walls too much. Note that if you do use darkrai as the player, be sure to have other Pokemon on your team that can also travel through walls, because then you can avoid the monster houses.

What legendaries are on Pokemon diamond?

Off the top of my head, Regigas (Only if you have Regirock, Regice and Registeel) Heatran, Dialga, Geritina, Darkrai (If you have member's card), Cresselia, Arceus (if you have azure flute). Rotom (If Rotom is a legendary) But you can get MILLIONS more legendaries by pal park!

Where is Darkrai in Pokemon explorers of darkness?

WARNING: SPOILERS- He is at Dark Crater, but you don't get to go there straightaway. You have to beat the main game and do the Post-story, then your last Post-Story mission is to defeat Darkrai, who first appears in a dream talking about the distortion of space. A few days later, Azurill is trapped in a nightmare and you have to find Drowzee at the top of Mt.Travail (19 floors), and he will send you into Azurill's Nightmare (17 floors) At the end darkrai finds you (disguised as Cresselia) and you prepare to fight, but then Drowzee appears and gets you out of the nightmare. A few nights later there are tremors and Palkia appears and talks you to Spatial Rift (about 15 floors) and then to get to him, you have to beat Deep Spatial Rift (about 10 floors) ,so you can battle him. Throwing a couple of Totter Seeds and using your strongest move usually beats him. After that, Palkia gets trapped in a nightmare and a stranger sends you in. There you talk to Palkia, who talks about the distortion of space. Then Darkrai, again, disguised as Cresselia, appears and prepares to eliminate you. The real Cresselia appears just in the nick of time (you can never die in these games anyway(!)), and blows Darkrai's cover. He tells you to meet him at Dark Crater, then flees. Cresselia will escort you to Dark Crater, (15 floors) then you have to get through Deep Dark Crater, (14 floors). Darkrai is waiting at the bottom with a Rhyperior, Mismagius, Magmortar, Aggron and possibly 2 more Pokemon. Don't let Cresselia attack Darkrai as Dark beats Psychic. It is also best to use regular attacks on Darkrai. After you beat him Cresselia joins your team and I think you are now able to evolve. Hope this helps (alot!) =D

Is there more than one cresselia?

I think so, because in an episode of pokemon (which I don't know the name of), there was a girl with a cresselia, named Luna (the cresselia), and I think it may have been a shiny one, but I'm not sure.

What do you do after beating Darkrai in Pokemon explorers of darkness?

You can recruit legendaries and do more things.

What do you do in Pokemon Explorers of Darkness after you beat Darkrai?

You can recruit legendaries and do more things.

Is it true you can get Pokemon from watching a movie the rise of Darkrai?

No, But sometimes at Gamespot and Toys R Us they will have Nintendo events where you can get Darkrai, Arceus, and more.

Is there more than one Darkrai?

I think so because in one episode during the sinnoh league competition ash faces a trainer with a darkrai and i doubt that is the all powerful master of nightmares from the darkrai movie

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Is trading your Darkrai for Victini a good idea in Pokemon X?

If you think so than go for it but Darkrai can be much more helpful than Victini