I think so because in one episode during the sinnoh league competition ash faces a trainer with a darkrai and i doubt that is the all powerful master of nightmares from the darkrai movie
you get a darkrai in cherrygrove from one of the people.
Yes, mew is stronger than darkrai. Darkrai is stronger because Mew doesn't have any special attacks. Mew's strongest moves are Aura Sphere and Psyhic. Those two moves are not as powerful as Darkrai's moves.
Darkrai can only be found in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, via an event or Pokemon Ranger, so unless you use a cheat code, the only way you can get it is to trade it from one of those games.trade from dppt other than this there is no other wayyou get darkrai in a event, or an action replay
You will find Darkrai at Newmoon Island but you need a membership card and go to that one house that is locked.
I don't think you can. But if you buy an action replay then you can get codes to get Shaymin Darkrai any Pokemon you name you can get. I have 7 arceus 9 darkrai and 2 shaymin. You can get action replays from walmart target toysrus or something like that.
If you think so than go for it but Darkrai can be much more helpful than Victini
Darkrai is wayyy stronger than Absol.
Zoroark is weaker than Darkrai. Zoroark has stats of 510 while Darkrai has stats of 600.
no, and darkrai is one pokemon. haha
You Can Only Get Darkrai With The Darkrai Event,Action Replay,But There Is Also Going To Be Another Darkrai Event This One Will Be Just Like The Old One But WI-FI.
Dawn does not die in Pokemon: Rise of Darkrai. In the movie, no one is indicated as dead or fainted.
You actually have to wait 3-10 days.
First you have to go across one mile of water to get to Darkrai in Homeheart City.
try going to the global trading net im sure some one is trading a darkrai
in azurills nightmare. darkrai is the one causing the nightmare and is the boss of this dungeon.
No, But sometimes at Gamespot and Toys R Us they will have Nintendo events where you can get Darkrai, Arceus, and more.