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I'm on your problem too. But I finished Explorers of Time, Play until the event shows up during your sleep. Go to for more Pokemon info

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Q: How do you find darkrai and Palkia and Cresselia in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorer of sky?
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Cresselia dreams in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

After a little while into the post game, Cresselia starts appearing into your dreams or at least Darkrai is. He was pretending to be Cresselia. Cresselia is really good, but the Cresselia in the dreams are Darkrai's doing.

Were is darkrai in pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky?

Dark Crater be ready he has like 6 other Pokemon helping him and cresselia is low lv

What do you do after you defeat Darkrai on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky?

well you pretty much beat the game. you can also evolve. oh and you get manaphy and cresselia on your team.

Can you get Darkrai in the American version of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2?

Yeah Darkrai is in the Dark Crater dungeon on floor 13

Where is Darkrai in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness?

in azurills nightmare. darkrai is the one causing the nightmare and is the boss of this dungeon.

How do you fight Darkrai in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of the Sky?

go though a dungeon with cresslia and when you reach the end you will fight darkrai

How do i get to Darkrai to evolve your Pokemon in mystery sky dungeon?

In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Darkrai can be found in Dark Crater dungeon after completing the main story. You will need to defeat Darkrai and recruit him into your team to evolve your Pokemon by fulfilling certain conditions.

When do you get the Cresselia dream in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky?


What happens after you defeat Darkrai in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

you can evolve your starter pokemon

When do you battle Darkrai in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky?

You have to beat the game to battle darkrai.

What the last boss is on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2?


How do you get manaphy to join your team in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorer of sky?

after setting manaphy free, complete the following events and beating Darkrai, Manaphy will return.