Elekid is number 197 in the Sinnoh Pokedex. Elekid's real number in the National Dex is 239. You can obtain an Elekid in Platinum by breeding an Electabuzz, or Electivire.
Umbreon is for the national Pokedex, and Elekid is #197 in the Sinnoh Pokedex.
on national pokedex its umbreon
#197 Umbreon, in the National Pokédex #197 Mantine, in the New Pokédex#197 Latios, in the Hoenn Pokédex#197 Elekid, in the Sinnoh Pokédex#197 Mamoswine, in the Johto Pokédex
If you want to just see Elekid, go north of Solaceon Town, up the sand slide and to your left, you will see another path with another sand slide. Go up that, past the twins and you'll find a PokeBreeder Male that will have an Elekid and a Happiny.
041 ZubatPoisonFlying29 042 GolbatPoisonFlying33 092 GastlyGhostPoison8 093 HaunterGhostPoison8 094 GengarGhostPoison8 124 JynxIcePsychic21 169 CrobatPoisonFlying33 197 UmbreonDark57 198 MurkrowDarkFlying41 200 MisdreavusGhost19 238 SmoochumIcePsychic21 302 SableyeDarkGhost57 355 DuskullGhost38 356 DusclopsGhost43 477 DusknoirGhost43
Umbreon is for the national Pokedex, and Elekid is #197 in the Sinnoh Pokedex.
on national pokedex its umbreon
#197 Umbreon, in the National Pokédex #197 Mantine, in the New Pokédex#197 Latios, in the Hoenn Pokédex#197 Elekid, in the Sinnoh Pokédex#197 Mamoswine, in the Johto Pokédex
The Pokémon that is #197 according to the National Dex is Umbreon.
Umbreon is #197 in the national pokedex, and it is a Dark type Pokemon.
If you want to just see Elekid, go north of Solaceon Town, up the sand slide and to your left, you will see another path with another sand slide. Go up that, past the twins and you'll find a PokeBreeder Male that will have an Elekid and a Happiny.
In Hoenn's pokedex, Latios is number 197 In National pokedex, Umbreon is 197
Elekid is number 197 in the Sinnoh Pokédex, and number 139 in the National Pokédex.
Number 197, Umbreon, is found by evolving an Eevee with max happiness during the night.
It's number 197 in the National Pokedex.
It's Umbreon!! You'll get it when you let Eevee evolve by happiness in the night.