If you want to just see Elekid, go north of Solaceon Town, up the sand slide and to your left, you will see another path with another sand slide. Go up that, past the twins and you'll find a PokeBreeder Male that will have an Elekid and a Happiny.
in sinnoh 210
Just go to Pokemon platinum central and click on pokedex and it shows you where to battle all the Pokemon in sinnoh.
Swinub is #203 in the Sinnoh Dex in Pokémon Platinum.
Pokemon Platinum has two different Pokedexes: the Sinnoh dex and the National Pokedex. In the Sinnoh dex, #152 is Rotom. In the National Pokedex, it's Chikorita.
in sinnoh 210
Just go to Pokemon platinum central and click on pokedex and it shows you where to battle all the Pokemon in sinnoh.
Swinub is #203 in the Sinnoh Dex in Pokémon Platinum.
Pokemon Platinum has two different Pokedexes: the Sinnoh dex and the National Pokedex. In the Sinnoh dex, #152 is Rotom. In the National Pokedex, it's Chikorita.
in the sinnoh pokedex dusclops, in national pokedex aipom
you get the sinnoh pokedex from professor Rowan afteyou battle the starly with one of the Pokemon in the bag and say yes to the professor and you get the Pokemon and the pokedex.
There is only one legitimate way to complete the Sinnoh Pokedex. To complete the Sinnoh Pokedex you must trade for the missing Pokemon with Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.