

Best Answer

Here are the Top Ten:

  1. Deoxys Speed Forme (Base: 180, Max: 504)
  2. Ninjask (Base: 160, Max: 460)
  3. Deoxys Normal Forme (Base: 150, Max: 438)
  4. Deoxys Attack Forme (Base: 150, Max: 438)
  5. Accelgor (Base: 145, Max: 427)
  6. Electrode (Base: 140, Max: 416)
  7. Jolteon (Base: 130, Max: 394)
  8. Aerodactyl (Base: 130, Max: 394)
  9. Mewtwo (Base: 130, Max: 394)
  10. Crobat (Base: 130, Max: 394
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Q: What Pokemon has the highest speed stat?
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Evasion is not a base stat.

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Deoxys in attack form has an attack stat that is second to none.

In Pokemon Which strikes first quick attack or Extreme speed?

the Pokemon with the higher speed stat ,I think.

Where do you catch the fastest electric type at level 70 in Pokemon soulsilver?

there are no electric pokemon at level 70. the highest is raikou level 40, who has a base speed stat of 115, which is the third highest of al electric pokemon, only surpassed by jolteon and electrode.

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Thundurus has a 111 speed base stat.

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The move agility when used in battle raises a pokemon's speed stat by 3 points.

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peace peace

Which Pokemon is the quickest Pokemon?

By quick I think you mean witch has the highest base stat for speed. Here's a list: # Deoxys (Speed Forme) # Ninjask # Deoxys (Normal Forme) # Deoxys (Attack Forme) # Electrode # Jolteon # Aerodactyl # Mewtwo # Crobat # Shaymin (Sky Forme)

What Pokemon has the highest speed?

The speed form of Deoxys has the highest overall base speed; with a base speed of 180.

How does carbos work in Pokemon black?

Carbos is a stat enhancing item that can be used to increase the Speed stat of the pokemon you use it on. Note that occassionally the item may not affect the stat the first time it's used. Look at your pokemon's Speed stat and write it down (let's say its 30). Use the Carbos then look at the Speed stat again. If it's now 31 the item has worked. If not you may need to try using another. Every pokemon's growth is different so these items can affect each differently. Occasionally the item may increase the stats by more than one.