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Happiny evolves into Chansey with it, but she has to hold it and be leveled up during the day. (night doesn't work).

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Q: What Pokemon evolves with a oval stone?
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What Pokemon evolves from a oval stone Pokemon platinum?

Happiny evolves into Chansey with an Oval Stone.

In Pokemon diamond what evolves from an oval stone?

Chansey evolves from an Oval Stone.

What Pokemon evolves by a oval stone in Pokemon pearl?

Happinny is the only Pokemon that can evolve with the Oval Stone.

What pokemon does the oval stone evlove?

The Oval stone evolves Happiny into Chansey.

Who evolves with an oval stone in pokemon platinum?

happini can evolve with a oval stone

Pokemon diamond what Pokemon evolves with an oval stone?

Happiny. You need to make it hold the Oval stone and level it up before it evolves.

What pokemon evolves with the oval stone?


What evolves with a oval stone in Pokemon diamond?

The Charzard evolves into a Charmander.

What Pokemon evolves into chansey?

Happiny evolves into Chansey. It evolves with a oval stone in the day

What evolves from a oval stone in Pokemon plaitnum?


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What evolves from oval stone Pokemon?

weedle it evolves into weelord trust me it works