Happiny evolves into Chansey.
It evolves with a oval stone in the day
Happiny evolves into Chansey with it, but she has to hold it and be leveled up during the day. (night doesn't work).
chansey does not evolve by level. it evolves by happiness. i hope this helped!
Blissey evolves from Chansey in Pokemon Pearl. Blissey is an all female pokemon species with no male counterpart. Chansey can be caught on route 209 and 210.
Chansey evolves when you increase its happiness. So beat loads of Pokemon with it without fainting, and give it loads of berries that increase its happiness. Good Luck.
Happiness evolves certain Pokemon like chansey. To get happines massage your Pokemon in veilstone and give it heaps of lemonade. Then grow it some levels.
Happiny evolves into Chansey with an Oval Stone.
There is no specific level in which Chansey evolves. Chansey evolves by love, care, and battling, and massaging. Chansey does not evolve by level.
Chansey evolves from an Oval Stone.
Happiny evolves into Chansey with it, but she has to hold it and be leveled up during the day. (night doesn't work).
chansey evolves by love
chansey does not evolve by level. it evolves by happiness. i hope this helped!
Blissey evolves from Chansey in Pokemon Pearl. Blissey is an all female pokemon species with no male counterpart. Chansey can be caught on route 209 and 210.
The Oval stone evolves Happiny into Chansey.
Happiny evolves into a Chansey when it levels up holding the Oval Stone during the day.happiny evolves with the oval stone.......... I thinj
I you mean what type of Pokemon were introduced that evolve into already introduced Pokemon, then there are a few. Magby evolves into magmar, Pichu evloves into pikachu, MineJ.R. evolves into Mr.Mime, Happiny evolves into Chansey and Bonsly evolves into Sudowoodo, wynaut evolves into Wabafouett. (these are the only ones i can think of).
you can give it to a Chansey to evolve it into Blissey. Source(s): my Pokemon diamond game
Give it to a Happiny (also make sure it has max happiness) and level it up by one then it evolves into Chansey