Clair's team on her first gym match is:
* Lv. 38 Gyarados
* Lv. 38 Dragonair x2
* Lv. 41 Kingdra
Go to Blackthorn city. The gym is there
go to the next gym leader.
In the 8th gym. he is the gym leader
You battle the 8th gym leader, Clair, at Blackthorn City.
8th Gym Leader: Claire8th GYM Leader is Claire of Blackthorn City. She uses dragon Pokemon. Yes indeed Claire is the 8th gym leader in gold/silver/crystal and she uses dragon type Pokemon just like lance
Use a steel type pokemon, they areresistent to dragon types.
Clair, she is in Blackthorn city, and uses Dragon type Pokemon.
You CAN NOT become a Gym Leader in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver or ANY MAIN SERIES POKEMON GAME.
her name is clair. she is a dragon trainer. she is in Blackthorn city
Gym Leader Blue
In Pokémon HeartGold, you can find the 3rd Gym Leader in Goldenrod City.
Go to Blackthorn city. The gym is there
Wallace is the 8th gym leader PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!
She is the 8th gym leader in joto reagion
Obtain it from a gym leader.
The gym is in Blackthorn City.The gym leader is Clair.
He has many types.