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you get castform in the trophy garden just talk to mr backlot its down to chance tho and the list grows when you get the nationel pokedex

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Q: How do you get a castform in Pokemon platinum?
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How do you have castform go into all forms on Pokemon platinum?

By using Sunny day, Hail, Rain Dance. Moves that It can learn

When does castform evolve in Pokemon Platinum?

It doesn't, Castform doesn't evolve into anything. Actually it sort of evolves. It changes it's from to sunny castform..when it's sunny. Rain castform...when it's raining. Snow-cloud castform...when it's snowing. But it only changes when those affects are used on the battle-field

How do you get a Castform in Pokemon Diamond?

You can find the Pokemon Castform in the Trophy Garden in Pokemon Diamond, although it is a pretty rare chance.

How do you catch a castform Pokemon platinum?

You have to get the National Pokedex by catching all the Pokemon in the Sinnoh Pokedex. Then you go to the Pokemon Mansion and talk to the guy who owns the building.

How do you get castform in pokemon soulsilver?

You can't get Castform in SoulSliver without trading or migrating.

Is castform a basic Pokemon?

Yes it is

Is castform a good Pokemon?


Do you need a pokeradar to catch castform in Pokemon platinum?

No, you have to go to the Pokemon manshion, talk to the master (First door to the right) until he says "a cute eyed castform ran up and gave me a smooch on the cheek..." after that you need to go to the trophy garden (DON'T get annoyed because it is VERY hard to catch it!!).

How do you get more than one Castform?

If you breed with a list of Pokemon (which includes Muk) then you can get a baby castform.

What is the national pokedex number for Castform?

Castform is #351 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.

Where is Castform found in Pokemon Diamond?

Castform can be found in the Trophy Garden in Pokémon Diamond.

Can mew change form from trading him with something?

ThatGuy1 here. bluntly, the answer is no. arceus and castform are the only Pokemon that change form in pearl and lower. however in Pokemon platinum girratina also changes fom and so does shaymon