After you beat the Elite Four and recieve the National Pokedex, Dawn's sister tells you where a swarm of pokemon are. These are usually Pokemon from different generations of games. However, you can only talk to her once a day.
smoochum evolves at level 38. if you are wondering where to get it, its is at: Lake Acuity, you talk to dawns sister after you beat the elite four and obtained the national dex dawns siter is in sandgem town[pokemon diamond] talk to her and she will tell you.
after you get the national dex and beat the elite four
if you talk to dawns sister she will tell you were you can find a Pokemon she will say there is a beldum on some route you can only talk to her once a day
no but just before the canlave city in diamond and pearl there is a lot of grass and use a pokerader to find one
No you cannot catch phanpy but however if you talk to dawns sister everyday eventually she will tell you where a phanpy is (the first evolve form of donphan) ok!
dawns sister will tell you after nationall pokedex on a ceirten day
It is a swarm Pokemon and you need the national dex.Talk to lucas' or dawns sister and she will tell you where to find a certain swarming Pokemon
first talk to dawns sister then she will tell u where u can catch a snubbull then evolveit at lvl 24
get national pokedex and talk to dawns sister and she will tell ufor example eterna forest slaokoathyou will catch Pokemon from different regions on diamond and pearl
smoochum evolves at level 38. if you are wondering where to get it, its is at: Lake Acuity, you talk to dawns sister after you beat the elite four and obtained the national dex dawns siter is in sandgem town[pokemon diamond] talk to her and she will tell you.
Go to sangem town and go to Dawns house. Talk to her little sister. Every day she will tell you a random Pokemon and where it is. Phanphy will be one of them (and it's one Pokemon per day).
after you get the national dex and beat the elite four
you can talk to dawns sister and she will tell you the thing called swarm where you can get different Pokemon every day
Talk to dawns/ lucas' sister she will tell you that there is an outburst of drowzee on route 210 but if all you want is drowzee save before you talk to her just in case she tells you about a different pokemon hope this helped
You can find the old Pokemon by talking to Dawns little sister in Sandgem Town and she will tell you specific Pokemon and the route they are located in. Or In Route 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, inside Stark Mountain or by the entrance.
Every day Dawn's sister tells you about a group of Pokemon that appeared on a route and will only be there for the day. She tells you about a different Pokemon every day!