smoochum evolves at level 38. if you are wondering where to get it, its is at: Lake Acuity, you talk to dawns sister after you beat the elite four and obtained the national dex dawns siter is in sandgem town[pokemon diamond] talk to her and she will tell you.
smoochum evolves into jinx a level 30 Your Welcome witness237 & Mwarriors1019
It needs max friendship with its trainer.
To evolve Smoochum into Jynx, you need it to be at lvl. 35. Once it's at lvl. 35, it will evolve and you will have Jynx! ^^
You'll get Smoochum. When breeding you get the species of the mother, and Jynx evolve from Smoochum
Jynx does not evolve but it does have a pre-evovlotion nammed smoochum.
In Pokémon SoulSilver, Smoochum evolves into Jynx at Level 30.
smoochum evolves into jinx a level 30 Your Welcome witness237 & Mwarriors1019
level up, starting at level 30
It evolves to Jynx at level 30.
It needs max friendship with its trainer.
Yes. Smoochum evolves into Jynx at Level 30.
Smoochum > lvl 30 > Jynx (no evolution)
To evolve Smoochum into Jynx, you need it to be at lvl. 35. Once it's at lvl. 35, it will evolve and you will have Jynx! ^^
Once you get Smoochum to about lvl 32 or so you have to make sure Smoochum is in the first place of your party, then you click the evolve pokemon button in the your pokemon tab.
The only way to get a Jynx in Pokemon Diamond Version is to evolve Smoochum. If your Smoochum is over Level 30, then you level it up once. That's when it should become a Jynx.
Easy just breed a Jynx and a Ditto to get a Smoochum now use Proteins, Irons, Carbos's, Calciums, Zincs and Hp Up's on your Smoochum and have it hold Soothe Bell level it up to evolve it to Jynx right now it will be a Jynx at level 6!