if you talk to dawns sister she will tell you were you can find a Pokemon she will say there is a beldum on some route you can only talk to her once a day
Evolve Beldum.
It is a swarming Pokemon. After getting the national dex, you have to talk to Dawn's sister each day until she says there are beldum.
In Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum there is a swarm in Route 228 that you can find wild Beldum. Be prepared, Beldum, along with its evolved forms, are the only non-legendary Pokémon to have a catch rate of 3, which is the lowest possible, making Beldum extremely difficult to capture due to its self-damaging move, Take Down.
You can get Metagross by evolving Beldum twice.Beldum can be found in Route 288 (at really high levels) during a swarm.
you will find beldum in the cave
Beldum Is Located At Route 220-229.
Evolve Beldum.
It is a swarming Pokemon. After getting the national dex, you have to talk to Dawn's sister each day until she says there are beldum.
just think and huh wait your stupid
you find BELDUM at rout 210 i think. its somewhere in a desert area.
You cannot get Beldum with Ruby inserted in Pokémon Platinum in order for Beldum to appear in the wild, check in with Dawn's sister in Sandgem Town. She'll tell you what Pokémon is currently swarming. Beldum is 1 of the many swarms so it'll be one of them before you know it because it changes daily.
Beldum is a Steel and Psychic type pokemon.
In Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum there is a swarm in Route 228 that you can find wild Beldum. Be prepared, Beldum, along with its evolved forms, are the only non-legendary Pokémon to have a catch rate of 3, which is the lowest possible, making Beldum extremely difficult to capture due to its self-damaging move, Take Down.
Level it up to 20 for metatang and for metagross im pretty sure it's Lv. 45
You can get Metagross by evolving Beldum twice.Beldum can be found in Route 288 (at really high levels) during a swarm.
You must talk to dawns little sister at her house in sandgem town and each day will be a Pokemon swarm ( random upstart of Pokemon for that day ) one of the days dawn will say there is beldum swarm on near the sandstorm route.
you will find beldum in the cave