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Saturn battles you twice in Pokemon Diamond.

On the first one, Saturn has

  • a male Lv. 35 Kadabra with the moves Shock Wave, Embargo, Recover and Psychich.
  • a female Lv. 37 Toxicroak holding a Sitrus Berry with the moves Revenge, Faint Attack, Mud Bomb and Poison Jab.
  • and a genderless Lv. 35 Bronzor with the moves Iron Defense, Gyro Ball, Rock Tomb and Shadow Ball.

On the second one, Saturn has

  • a male Lv. 38 Kadabra with the same moves.
  • a genderless Lv. 38 Bronzor with Extrasensory, Gyro Ball, Confuse Ray and Shadow Ball
  • and a female Lv. 40 Toxicroak with Brick Break, X-Scissor, Swagger and Poison Jab.
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Q: What Pokemon does commander Saturn have in Pokemon Diamond?
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