In HGSS its lickitung, oddish, staryu, vulpix, then pichu in that order. :D
You can get waterstone in route 25 at Bills cottage you will see Bills grandfather ( Likitounge (everstone)oddish(leafstone)staryu(waterstone)growlithe(firestone)pichu(thunderstone)
You must defeat the elite 4, then go to mistys city, then north. Talk to Bills grandpa, and he want to see Pokemon. I think it is theese Pokemon he wants to see. Lickitung, Staryu, eevee, Pichu>>Set pikachu at the day-care with a ditto, in the egg it's a Pichu<< he want's to see a vulpix too. That is for silver, in gold can't you catch a Vulpix, so i think it's a growlithe instead.
1. Lickitung (Ever Stone)2. Oddish (Leaf Stone)3. Staryu (Water Stone)4. Growlithe/Vulpix (Fire Stone)5. Pichu (Thunder Stone)
Bill's Grandpa wants to see oddish and growlithe
When you go to BIll's house in Kanto, his grandfather will be there because Bill is visiting Goldenrod in Johto. His grandfather will ask to see pokemon of the description that he gives you, and you have to bring him that pokemon. The third one is growlithe i believe, and he gives you a fire stone. He will also give you an elemental stone for the other times you bring him stuff...but being said you can only get 1 of each elemental stone per game :(
he wants to see a lickitung. i don't know where to get them.... sorry.... hope i helped anyways! all the Pokemon he wants to see are. lickitung. oddish. vulpix/growlithe. i don't no the last one but i think its staryu or vaporeon
If you are refering to the pokemon that Bill's grandfather wishes he could see, then you want an Oddish.
You can get waterstone in route 25 at Bills cottage you will see Bills grandfather ( Likitounge (everstone)oddish(leafstone)staryu(waterstone)growlithe(firestone)pichu(thunderstone)
he first wants to see lickitung,then he will give you a everstone,then he wants to see a skiploom.
you can get them by going to mt moon on a Monday night you will then see a bunch of cleffairy dance they will then see you and run of leaving a moonstone behind this will happen every Monday night you can also get them by talking to bills grandfather if he wants to see a certain Pokemon
Pikachu. This kinda applies to all Pokemon games...
well on Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal it's Oddish.
you go to route 25 in kanto and keep going right until you see a house and there is bill grandfather.
i dont remember exactly its name lickytung