he wants to see a lickitung.
i don't know where to get them.... sorry....
hope i helped anyways!
all the Pokemon he wants to see are.
i don't no the last one but i think its staryu or vaporeon
As many as you want, But you can only migrate up to 6 PokeMon a day.
Technically Cyndiquil is the strongest but it all depends on what type of Pokemon you want.
Things needed: Pokemon: Diamond Version or Pearl Pokemon: Heartgold or Soulsilver AR Cheat Master ( made by Cheat Master Inc. ) Things to do: Look up on Google AR codes for ultimate rare candies for Pokemon: Diamond Version or Pearl GET POKEMON YOU DONT WANT ON POKEMON: DIAMOND VERSION Let as many rare candies as you want be held by those unwanted Pokemon. GET UNWANTED POKEMON ON POKEMON: HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER (AS MANY AS ON DIAMOND) Then trade all the Pokemon (The unwanted ones from Diamond and Heartgold/Soulsilver) and the ones who are now on Pokemon: Heartgold/Soulsiver, take of the rare candies and you have all of them! Tips: (Only one sorry :O) ) Works better on diamond to get Pokemon you don't want if you get Modifier Code (Don't know this one either) and use the modifier. Sites to find needed AR codes: CheatsGuru.com/pokemondiamond-pearl/ARcodes.shtml serebii.net/pokemondiamond-pearl/ARcodes.shtml and neogroove.com/pokemondiamondpearl/ar/codes/byyou.shtml
Yes, you will, unless you have another Pokemon version like diamond, pearl, or heartgold. If you do, use another DS (a friend's another family member's) to trade over all the Pokemon that are important to you. Then, after you do this, restart the game.
No you can't. If you want to buy one then you can get them from the atheletes shop at the pokeathelon dome.
If you are refering to the pokemon that Bill's grandfather wishes he could see, then you want an Oddish.
In HGSS its lickitung, oddish, staryu, vulpix, then pichu in that order. :D
If you have action replay you can get any Pokemon you want. This feature works only in Pokemon Heartgold , Soulsilver and Platinum.
You can't find it naturally in HeartGold. It is a Pokemon found only in Sinnoh. But you can trade if from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum if you do want one.
Yes you can be a girl if you want.
put your Pokemon you want to walk with you first in your party.
there is a man in the Ilex Forest that will teach headbutt to as many Pokemon as you want
ok,i want to tell you I DONT NO......
You can say anything you want to Primo.
I mean…do you want Pokemon HeartGold? The difference between HeartGold and SoulSilver is that you catch Lugia in SoulSilver and Ho-Oh in HeartGold. Other than that they’re the same thing. You need a DS, DS Lite, or 3DS to play it though. It’s not playable on any other console.
As many as you want, But you can only migrate up to 6 PokeMon a day.