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AnswerMost legendary Pokemon cannot breed but as my own discovery, Cresselia can breed with most male Pokemon above level 50 can breed with it because as you notice, it is a female. Also, I trade them on the GTS in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. I accept other rares or legendary Pokemon (I have over 90 of them).Also, it cannot breed with Lucario, Riolu, Snorunt, Glalie or Froslass. <<<< this statement is false because I had a Froslass and it breed into a Snorunt and secondly the only own legendary if you consider it so is Rotom because I have five
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Q: What Pokemon cant Ditto breed with?
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Can you breed the Pokemon Thundurus with Ditto?

no you cant

Can Ditto breed with a starter Pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold?

yes but he cant breed with legandaries sadly :'(

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ditto cant evolve but he can breed with any pokemon!

Can Ditto breed on Pokemon Platinum with a male Pokemon as well as a female one?

ditto can breed with ANY Pokemon as long as it has a gender. (rare Pokemon are genderless, so u cant breed them. &gt;.&lt;)

Can Ditto and Darkrai have a egg in platinum?

no it cant because legendaries cant breed unless its a manaphy but when bred with a ditto it makes a phione.

Where do you get an snivy egg in Pokemon black?

You cant get a egg you have to breed it with a ditto

Which Pokemon can breed with Ditto on Pokemon Pearl?

Any Pokemon that can breed, can breed with Ditto.

Can Ditto breed with a male?

It can breed with any gender of Pokemon It just cant breed with legendary Pokemon. Well it can breed with:Rotom,Manaphy,and Phione

Can Snorlax breed with Ditto?

any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto

What Pokemon cant breed?

Legendaries (excluding Manaphy), and baby Pokemon cannot breed Even though some people think they cant genderless Pokemon like Electrode and magneton can breed (usually with ditto)

How come you cant breed a munchlax with a Ditto?

Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with Ditto. However, certain Pok&eacute;mon cannot breed. This includes 'legendary Pok&eacute;mon' like Lugia or Uxie and 'baby Pok&eacute;mon' such as Pichu or Tyrogue. Ditto cannot breed with another Ditto, and also the Pokemon Nidorina and Nidoqueen cannot breed. Muchlax is a baby, so you must evolve him into a Snorlax before it can breed with Ditto.

Pokemon emerald what would happen if a shiny legendary breeded with ditto?

legendary Pokemon cant breed