

Best Answer

You can catch Magikarp, Finneon, and Feebas for sure, and maybe Remoraid. Probably some others that I don't know about. Of course, some you can only find in certain areas. Magikarps are basically universal. I just don't understand why you really want to know this

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Q: What Pokemon can you catch with an old rod?
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Using old rod in Pokemon Ruby?

Using the Old Rod in Pokemon Ruby (or any Pokemon game for that matter) will get you a Magikarp as that is the only Pokemon an Old Rod can catch.

What Pokemon can you catch with a old rod in Pokemon ruby?


What rod do you need to catch FEEBAS in Pokemon Platinum?

Old Rod.

Can you catch a wailmer with a old rod in Pokemon sapphire?

I am looking to join Wailmer to my team.But, no you can't catch it with an old rod

What Pokemon can you catch with the old rod in Pokemon diamond?

only magicarp

Where to catch poliwag on Pokemon Pearl?

You can catch it in route 225, in the water, but make sure to use good rod not super rod or old rod

Which Pokemon can you catch with the old rod in Pokemon soulsilver?

only low leveled magikarp

How do you catch Pokemon with old rod in Pokemon emerald?

To catch a Pokemon with a rod, you have to use the rod, then wait until a "!" appears above your character's head. Once that happens, press "a" as fast as you can before it gets away. If you land the Pokemon, you get to battle it.

How you calculte the weight of Rod if you know the size and length of Rod?

it matters by what rod old rod can only catch magickarp and febas febas are hard to catch,good rod can catch a bunch of Pokemon around level 25 too level 30,the super rod can catch a varity of Pokemon to level 45.

What does old rod allowou to catch on Pokemon LeafGreen?

just magikarp.

Can you use old or good rod to catch corphish on Pokemon ruby?

I think you can use a good rod not sure about the old rod super rod is the best

Where can you see Pokemon number 130 in Pokemon pearl?

1) catch a magicarp with an old rod 2) evolve it. or catch 130 "gyrados" with a super rod at various locations.