Using the Old Rod in Pokemon Ruby (or any Pokemon game for that matter) will get you a Magikarp as that is the only Pokemon an Old Rod can catch.
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl: By surfing - Golduck Using Old Rod - Magikarp Using Good Rod - Magikarp and Goldeen Using Super Rod - Gyarados and Seaking Pokemon Platinum: By Surfing - Golduck and Psyduck Using Old, Good, or Super Rod - Magikarp
It's not what Pokemon the Pokemon surfing is, it's what kind of rod you have. There is a old rod, good rod, and super rod.
Super rod.
Super rod.
wailmer and sharpedo
Go to dewford town and talk to the fisherman outside he will give you the old rod.
I think you can use a good rod not sure about the old rod super rod is the best
old rod: old man in Dewford town good rod: fisherman in Mauville super rod: fisherman in one of the houses in Mossdeep City
super rod
You can catch Magikarp in any body of water in Pokemon ruby. It is very common and you only need to fish with an old or good rod.
In order to get a staryu on Pokemon ruby version you have to fish using a super rod on the coast of lillycove. just keep fishing and you will find one.
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl: By surfing - Golduck Using Old Rod - Magikarp Using Good Rod - Magikarp and Goldeen Using Super Rod - Gyarados and Seaking Pokemon Platinum: By Surfing - Golduck and Psyduck Using Old, Good, or Super Rod - Magikarp
It's not what Pokemon the Pokemon surfing is, it's what kind of rod you have. There is a old rod, good rod, and super rod.
Super rod.
You evolve it from a wailmer which can be found in most water using a good or super rod.