A lot.
* Venusaur * Blastoise * Sandshrew * Sandslash * Nidoqueen * Nidoking * Golduck * Mankey * Primeape * Arcanine * Poliwrath * Machop * Machoke * Machamp * Geodude * Graveler * Golem * Onix * Cubone * Marowak * Hitmonlee * Hitmonchan * Lickitung * Rhyhorn * Rhydon * Chansey * Kangaskhan * Electabuzz * Magmar * Pinsir * Tauros * Omastar * Kabutops * Snorlax * Mewtwo * Mew * Meganium * Typhlosion * Feraligatr * Ampharos * Steelix * Granbull * Ursaring * Blissey * Raikou * Entei * Suicune * Tyranitar * Sceptile * Blaziken * Swampert * Ludicolo * Vigoroth * Slaking * Exploud * Makuhita * Hariyama * Aggron * Zangoose * Regirock * Regice * Registeel * Groudon * Turtwig * Grotle * Torterra * Chimchar * Monferno * Infernape * Empoleon * Bibarel * Cranidos * Rampardos * Gible * Gabite * Garchomp * Munchlax * Lucario * Drapion * Croagunk * Toxicroak * Abomasnow * Lickilicky * Rhyperior * Electivire * Magmortar * Mamoswine * Heatran * Regigigas * Giratina * Darkrai * Arceus
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There is no rock climb in pokemon saphire, but there is a rock climb in pokemon diamond and pearl.
You can't. Rockclimb wasn't in those games. HM Climb can be obtained on Pokemon Ruby, Emerald or Sapphire and later games.
use rockclimb when you come out of snowpoint city
you get rock climb from professor oak after you beat all of the kanto gym leaders.
you can find it in your bag where all your tms are.All the hms like rockclimb are under the tms.You can find hm rockclimb before you enter snowpoint city and after you get out of mount cornet it's in between there.