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* Venusaur * Blastoise * Sandshrew * Sandslash * Nidoqueen * Nidoking * Golduck * Mankey * Primeape * Arcanine * Poliwrath * Machop * Machoke * Machamp * Geodude * Graveler * Golem * Onix * Cubone * Marowak * Hitmonlee * Hitmonchan * Lickitung * Rhyhorn * Rhydon * Chansey * Kangaskhan * Electabuzz * Magmar * Pinsir * Tauros * Omastar * Kabutops * Snorlax * Mewtwo * Mew * Meganium * Typhlosion * Feraligatr * Ampharos * Steelix * Granbull * Ursaring * Blissey * Raikou * Entei * Suicune * Tyranitar * Sceptile * Blaziken * Swampert * Ludicolo * Vigoroth * Slaking * Exploud * Makuhita * Hariyama * Aggron * Zangoose * Regirock * Regice * Registeel * Groudon * Turtwig * Grotle * Torterra * Chimchar * Monferno * Infernape * Empoleon * Bibarel * Cranidos * Rampardos * Gible * Gabite * Garchomp * Munchlax * Lucario * Drapion * Croagunk * Toxicroak * Abomasnow * Lickilicky * Rhyperior * Electivire * Magmortar * Mamoswine * Heatran * Regigigas * Giratina * Darkrai * Arceus

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Q: What Pokemon can learn rockclimb?
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Where can you learn rockclimb on Pokemon Sapphire?

There is no rock climb in pokemon saphire, but there is a rock climb in pokemon diamond and pearl.

What type of Pokemon do you need to teach rockclimb to?

Any Pokemon you want, most normal types and rock type Pokemon can learn that move.

How do you use rockclimb?

you teach it to a Pokemon then you go to a scale and use rockclimb

Where can you learn dracometeor on diamond?

Go the Celestic Town. Make sure your Pokemon have Rockclimb and Defog. Go roght until you find the path the can be rockclimbed. Go rockclimb it and go into the house and the woman will teach dracometeor to any dragon Pokemon.

Where can you find HM Rockclimb in Pokemon FireRed?

You can't. Rockclimb wasn't in those games. HM Climb can be obtained on Pokemon Ruby, Emerald or Sapphire and later games.

How do you get to center of sinnabar island Pokemon heartgold?

You have to use rockclimb

How do you cach geratena on Pokemon Platinum?

you have to go to Mt. Cornet and have a Pokemon that knows surf and rockclimb

Where do you find rockclimb in Pokemon pearl?

On the way to snow point city.

On Pokemon dimand where do you get the move rockclimb?

the snow route by the house on the left

How do you get the move HM rockclimb in Pokemon diamond?

go to route 217.

How do you get rockclimb on Pokemon diamond?

you get it on the route to snowpoint city behind the house :)

Where to get rockclimb in Pokemon soul sliver?

you have to get all 16 gym badges