Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Weezing, Forretress, Pineco, Voltorb, Electrode, Nosepass, Probopass, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Baltoy, Claydol, Grimer, Lunatone, Solrock, Seedot and The 3 Regis.
A typlosion can learn explsion
Almost any rock type.
Nuzleaf can learn TM64- Explosion.
The best Rock Type Pokemon is Golem... I'm just taking a guess because I don't collect Rock Type Pokemon. But Golem CAN learn explosion, the best Pokemon move that does 250.
Go to pecifilog (the town closest to sky pillar) and in the pokecenter there is a person in one of the corners (I think the bottom left) and they will tech on of your Pokemon expolsion once and only once. You can also get some Pokemon that learn explosion/self-destruct via leveling up or move tutor, hope I helped
A typlosion can learn explsion
No Pokemon can learn explosion by level up. Only Lickilicky can learn explosion by TM.
Explosion is not a tm so cannot be found anywhere. However a variety of Pokemon learn Explosion naturally such as Koffing, Geodude and Voltorb.
Almost any rock type.
You can't make Glalie learn Explosion in "Pokémon XD" however in order for it to learn Explosion you could trade it over to FireRed, LeafGreen or Emerald and have a Move Tutor in 1 of those games teach Explosion to your Glalie.
Nuzleaf can learn TM64- Explosion.
The best Rock Type Pokemon is Golem... I'm just taking a guess because I don't collect Rock Type Pokemon. But Golem CAN learn explosion, the best Pokemon move that does 250.
Smellingsalt because only two pokemon can learn it and they are Makuhita and his evolved form. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would have to say Arceus's Judgement but if your looking for powerful try Explosion :)
Go to pecifilog (the town closest to sky pillar) and in the pokecenter there is a person in one of the corners (I think the bottom left) and they will tech on of your Pokemon expolsion once and only once. You can also get some Pokemon that learn explosion/self-destruct via leveling up or move tutor, hope I helped
no he cant that's why you go ahead and teach it to him before seedot evolves
Yes golem is a good Pokemon to have it can learn good moves like stone edge double edge and earthquake and more. but don't teach it like selfdestruct or explosion. it also has highattack and defense
All Pokemon with a water-type can learn it. There are some other Pokemon that can learn it, but mostly water-Pokemon.