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Go to pecifilog (the town closest to sky pillar) and in the pokecenter there is a person in one of the corners (I think the bottom left) and they will tech on of your Pokemon expolsion once and only once. You can also get some Pokemon that learn explosion/self-destruct via leveling up or move tutor, hope I helped

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Q: Where can you get the move explosion on Pokemon emerald?
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Pokemon How do you get explosion in emerlad?

there is a move tutor in Pacifidlog that will teach you that move

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You can't make Glalie learn Explosion in "Pokémon XD" however in order for it to learn Explosion you could trade it over to FireRed, LeafGreen or Emerald and have a Move Tutor in 1 of those games teach Explosion to your Glalie.

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Overgrow isn't a move. It is an ability!

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Some Pokemon learn this move like marowak and scyther.

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The move explosion can be taught to Pokemon by a move tutor in Mt ember you can use it anytime during a Pokemon battle however it will make your Pokemon faint every time you use it so use it sparingly.

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Flame Body is not a move, it is an ability.