Fire type pokemon: Chimchar, Tepig, Ponyta, Ho-oh, Magby, Infernape.
Water type pokemon: Oshiwatt, Piplup, Krabby, Magikarp, Gyarados, Buizel.
Fire-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Rock, and Ground-type attacks.
Reshiram is a Dragon- and Fire-Type Pokemon, which no other Pokemon has the same combination. Reshiram is the only Fire-Type that isn't weak to Water-Type Pokemon. Reshiram has the highest Special Attack of ALL Fire-Type Pokemon.
Water, rock, and ground type are all super effective against fire type pokemon.
any water type Pokemon is super effective against water type Pokemon
Ground type moves, rock type moves and water type moves are super-effective against fire type pokemon.
Volcanion is a Fire-Water type, and it was introduced in the Generation 6 games, Pokemon X and Pokemon Y.
Fire-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Rock, and Ground-type attacks.
Fire-type Pokemon are weak against Ground, Rock, and Water-type attacks.
Reshiram is a Dragon- and Fire-Type Pokemon, which no other Pokemon has the same combination. Reshiram is the only Fire-Type that isn't weak to Water-Type Pokemon. Reshiram has the highest Special Attack of ALL Fire-Type Pokemon.
It depends on your starter pokemon. If its a fire type than have an electric or grass type If its a water type then have a fire type or a flying type Ifits a grass type then have a water type
the three starter Pokemon in fire red are squirtle the water type and charmander the fire type and bulbsaur the grass type
Water, rock, and ground type are all super effective against fire type pokemon.
Rock type Pokemon are strong against flying, ice, bug and fire type Pokemon.
any water type Pokemon is super effective against water type Pokemon
The starter Pokemon are Fennekin, the Fire-type Pokemon, Chespin, the Grass-type Pokemon, and Froakie, the Water-type Pokemon.
Water or ground type.
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