Many Pokemon are in the safari zone and they are: Nidoran Male, Nidoran Female, Paras, Parasect, Goldeen (good rod), Magikarp (any rod), Dratini (super rod), Pinsir, Kangaskhan, Doduo, Tauros, Exeggcute, Chansey, Venonat, Venomoth, Poliwag, Rhyhorn, Nidorino, Nidorina, Seaking, Slowpoke.
The safari zone in pokemon leaf green is in fuchsia city.For pokemon fire red it is also in fuchia city.
No. Pinsir is a LEAF GREEN exclusive. You need to trade with Leaf Green. You can catch it in the Safari Zone or you can buy one in the Game Corner in Celadon City.
Hi. You have to use the gameshark code for it. Hope this helps.:)
You cannot get Aipom in Leaf Green, but you can get it in the Safari Zone in Emerald --- The answer on the top is wrong, you can get it in leaf green in altering cave ----
You must trade from Leaf Green or of it is obtainable check the Safari Zone.
there is no cave in the safari zone.
The safari zone in pokemon leaf green is in fuchsia city.For pokemon fire red it is also in fuchia city.
No. Pinsir is a LEAF GREEN exclusive. You need to trade with Leaf Green. You can catch it in the Safari Zone or you can buy one in the Game Corner in Celadon City.
Hi. You have to use the gameshark code for it. Hope this helps.:)
You cannot get Aipom in Leaf Green, but you can get it in the Safari Zone in Emerald --- The answer on the top is wrong, you can get it in leaf green in altering cave ----
You must trade from Leaf Green or of it is obtainable check the Safari Zone.
In Pokemon Leaf Green, you get the HM Strength from the Safari Zone in Fuschia City. Search everywhere in the Safari Zone, including the Secret House and the island in the center of the whole Zone.
TaurosGo to Area 3 of the Safari Zone. In the grass there is a 4% chance that when a Pokemon appears it will be Tauros.
you find kangaskhan in area 2 of the safari zone in Pokemon leaf Green ... not sure in fire red sorry
no only the safari zone emerald or safari zone in fire red and leaf green
In Pokemon Leaf Green, the HM Strength is given to the player by the Game Warden of the Safari Zone. The player must first find the Warden's missing teeth in the Safari Zone and then he will hand over the HM.
You have to get surf at the safari zone