You must trade from Leaf Green or of it is obtainable check the Safari Zone.
Howie is the name of the trainer who has a Pinsir on Pokemon FireRed. Pinsir is known for being a stag beetle Pokemon.
No only leafgreen can.
Firered and leafgreen both can catch different Pokemon but there pokedex is the same, here is some examples: magmar only in leafgreen not firered, oddish in firered not leafgreen, ekans in firered not leafgreen, bellsprout in leafgreen not firered, pinsir in leafgreen not firered.
No. Pinsir is a LEAF GREEN exclusive. You need to trade with Leaf Green. You can catch it in the Safari Zone or you can buy one in the Game Corner in Celadon City.
Pinsir does not have an evolution
Howie is the name of the trainer who has a Pinsir on Pokemon FireRed. Pinsir is known for being a stag beetle Pokemon.
you can get it at the safari zone it is a bug type Pokemon but i would not catch it, it is weak.
Magmar and Pinsir.
No only leafgreen can.
The 127th Pokemon in the National Dex is Pinsir, the Bug type Pokemon.
no. u have to trade one from leafgreen.
You must trade pinsir from leafgreen to firered.
Pinsir does not appear in FireRed, only in Leaf Green, so you need to trade with someone who has Leaf Green or another compatible game to get a Pinsir.
Pinsir can only be found on the Leaf Green version of Pokemon. As a result, the only way to get one on Fire Red is by trading
Firered and leafgreen both can catch different Pokemon but there pokedex is the same, here is some examples: magmar only in leafgreen not firered, oddish in firered not leafgreen, ekans in firered not leafgreen, bellsprout in leafgreen not firered, pinsir in leafgreen not firered.
No. Pinsir is a LEAF GREEN exclusive. You need to trade with Leaf Green. You can catch it in the Safari Zone or you can buy one in the Game Corner in Celadon City.
Pinsir does not have an evolution