You cannot get Aipom in Leaf Green, but you can get it in the Safari Zone in Emerald
--- The answer on the top is wrong, you can get it in leaf green in altering cave ----
Aipom is not available in leafgreen have Emerald or Pokemon Colosseum trade you one.
You can obtain an Aipom by headbutting trees.
It doesn't evolve in leaf green
aipom's evole is a Pokemon from the next generation after emerald so its impossible to receive him.
aipom does not evolve inpokemon emerald
You cannot catch aipom in leafgreen however you can in emerald or Pokemon colosseum.
you can't catch aipom in leafgreen but you can get one from Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon emerald.
Aipom is not available in leafgreen have Emerald or Pokemon Colosseum trade you one.
how do u find a shiny aipom in Pokemon silver how do u find a shiny aipom in Pokemon silver
we get an aipom from anywhere check your pokedex
Aipom is a Normal type pokémon.
At first only Zubat are found there, but using Mystery Gift with other players unlocks: Mareep Aipom Pineco Shuckle Teddiursa Houndour Stantler Smeargle
put honey on a tree for aipom but for ambipom evolve aipom
You can obtain an Aipom by headbutting trees.
It doesn't evolve in leaf green
aipom's evole is a Pokemon from the next generation after emerald so its impossible to receive him.
aipom does not evolve inpokemon emerald