Eggs come fRom Pokemon who lay them when you put ceRtain Pokemon in Day caRes.
Look on foR fuRtheR infoRmation
I got a mix of common, unusual, and rare fish from my rare eggs. Common eggs only had common breeds and fin types. Unusual eggs only had unusual breeds and fin types. But rare eggs gave me a mix of all 3.
It depends on what Pokemon you have in the daycare. The Pokemon that hatches from the eggs given to you by the daycare man will be the pre-evolved form of the female Pokemon you have in the daycare.
eggs that hatch:yes eggs for armor digivolving:no
dude they lay eggs sayans lay eggs
Eggs, or jumbled/scrambled eggs -kranthi
alligators come from eggs and the eggs come from their mothers'
Geckos come from eggs. Geckos come from eggs.
yes all penguins eggs come from the tamey
most bugs come from eggs. aphids on the other hand have the power to give birth to live young
White eggs come from white Chickens. Brown eggs come from brown chickens.
The eggs come out of the same orifice that they defecate through, just like chickens.
Gnats lay eggs.
A Chicken
an egg prehaps