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You can download it at

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Q: Were can you get dota maps?
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Can you play dota with bots?

Yes there are DOTA AI maps which support computer players. You can find them on the GetDOTA forums.

Warcraft 3 DotA Looking for DotA 6.56 maps? is the official site, i reallise this answer is old, but the official site stays up to date with every map including AI+ maps as soon as they're created...-----------------------------------In addition you could also check, you could search dota or warcraft 3 maps in this site. Enjoy :)

Where can you download dota map?

You can download the dota maps from There are AI-maps available, though those will lag behind the official version by a few versions. You can also view the changelogs to see exactly what has been changed in the different versions.

Can you download installers of dota all-stars in the internet?

You can't download an installer of dota, but you can download the maps and put them in the respective folder in your warcraft III game folder. Dota allstars officia website:

How you can get dota games?

To play DotA one must simply own the game Warcraft 3 and the Frozen throne expansion. The user must open a battlenet account (ingame) and download the DotA map. Maps can be downloaded from After downloading the map be sure to move the file into the Warcraft 3 maps folder. Do this by double-clicking "my computer" and navigating to the proper folder and then dragging the file in.

How do you change dota 1.18 to 1.22?

go to and click AI maps then download the version you want to change to your old version after the download is done copy the version then paste it to your dota folder click on it then run done have fun! Save

How do you change old dota items to new dota items?

the change of new dota item is download dota 2 and then copy paste the map of dota 2 to dota warcraft III and see is change try it :))

How to make dota maps in warcraft 3 reign of chaos?

If you're using ROC then none of the DOTA maps will work. One of the patches destroyed the functionality of all the ROC versions and only the Frozen Throne versions were fixed and continued. DOTA itself is a very complex and carefully designed gameplay mode, it has taken many people years to get this far with it. If you want to make a map like that you are facing a long road of trial and error before coming up with anything new and successful.

Where can one access a free DOTA map?

There are a number of places where someone can access a free DotA map. Some website examples include Get DotA, DotA-Utilities, Softpedia and DotA Source.

Is there a way to make the computer players less skillful in Warcraft 3?

Depending on which map you play, you can reduce the skill. If you are referring to DotA then you can download AI maps at If you are referring to Melee maps then you can simply click the slots > easy. aCe-

How do you change the name of the map in dota frozen throne?

Go to your Warcraft Maps Directory which is in C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Maps\ then find the map that you want to rename. Right-click then 'Rename'. From there, you should be able to rename your map.

What are the good and bad effects of regionalization?

The Answer is Regonalization is the dota weak dota na lng weak region 1 weak dota weakweakweakweakBOSS BALITA DOTA WEAK!