palkia in spear pillar giratina in turnback cave gabite in victory road and gible in the cave under the cycling road with the mini jumps
you do not find dialga in Pokemon pearl
IN Pokemon platinum you find this Pokemon on route 201(after you get the national pokedex you put fire red version into your DS)and he will appear.Samething with Pokemon pearl and diamond.
In Pokémon Pearl, you can only obtain Dialga by trading it from Diamond, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver.
the condos in jubilife..jus talk 2 da lady next to the pickachus
You can find Aron only in Diamond.
find a wailmer then evolve it
The Pokemon Mansion is home to some rare Pokemon. To find it in Pokemon Pearl version, go to route 212.
I think you can find them in the Pearl Version of Pokemon. Since I have the Diamond version of Pokemon I had to trade a Pokemon (wireless) to obtain a glameow.
you can only find that pokemnon in pearl version sorry
You must trade one from pokemon pearl/platinum version
The easiest way is to use the Poke'Radar.
get the Pokemon platinum guide book
You cannot catch a slowpoke,slowbro or slowking on diamond version. You can on Pokemon pearl version though.
to find out, you coud get on and look "Darkrai in Pokemon pearl" or get on a website called
you need to trade from ruby,sapphire or emerald
hearthome city you know the city with Pokemon contest