You can get one in Solaceon Ruins with the dowsing machine app on the poketech.
in the underground tunnels.
Exchange Blue Shard with the Waterstone. You'll find waterstone in Abandoned Ship, too.
For which game? Pokemon Red Pokemon Blue Pokemon Yellow Pokemon Gold Pokemon Silver Pokemon Crystal Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Ruby Pokemon FireRed Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon Emerald Pokemon Diamond Pokemon Pearl
Its evolve to Vaporeon from eevee
Pokemon diamond
You can find it somewhere or you can go underground and dig it up.
You cannot get a waterstone from Diamond . You can trade one into your game card from a previous version of pokemon , or meet someone in the underground maze that has one . You can find a waterstone in the underground maze in Pearl . Though there is a 2% chance that a stone from Pearl can be found in Diamond .
in the underground tunnels.
Exchange Blue Shard with the Waterstone. You'll find waterstone in Abandoned Ship, too.
Eevee - Vaporeon, Poliwhirl - Poliwrath, Shelder - Cloyster, Staryu - Starmie, Lombre - Ludicolo, Panpour - Simipour.
For which game? Pokemon Red Pokemon Blue Pokemon Yellow Pokemon Gold Pokemon Silver Pokemon Crystal Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Ruby Pokemon FireRed Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon Emerald Pokemon Diamond Pokemon Pearl
u can go under groung with the explorer kit and dig at the walls eventully find a water stone
only vapreon
i fond mine underground while diging
lombre and staryu.
I know poliwhirl will evolve to poliwrath and that shelder will evole to cloyster with the waterstone