Well, the last room i still cannot figure out - I'm not sure whether you CAN actually 'proceed to the next level' as the tubes are in the way, but nevertheless you still earn a lot of $ with what i can tell you. So:
I think it will be best to tell you you can skip the whole thing by going to level '0' and typing 'baltar' but you will lose lots of credits, so I'll tell you all the full method, so you can skip it once you have got the coins!
The first "level" of the secret location is the outside of the shack. The clue says VERBAL AUTHORITY is the key, and the password is OPEN, in capital letters as shown.
The second level is inside the shack and is marked Level 0. This is an actual clue to the password, which is level 1.
The crate in the corner in Level 1-A can be opened and will give 250 credits the first time. The clue here says Be polite and the password is thank you.
Level 1-B has a sign, the clue being Are you sure?. The password is yes.
Level 1-C has a patch of red carpet in the center of the floor. This is a clue, the password is red.
Level 1-D has a checker pattern on the floor. The clue is that the configuration of the tiles (but not the object grid) is 8 by 8, the same pattern in Chess and checkers. Thus, the password is chess.
The floor of Level 1-E has a random combination of blue and grey floor tiles. This is irrelevant, as the sign is the real clue. This time the answer is simple can be hard to catch on to, but the answer is indeed simple.
The centerpiece of Level 1-F is an Octagon in the center of the floor, with a crossed-out 5 in the center. This is the clue for this room, the password is '8'.
In Level 1-G there is a poster on the wall with the first three letters of the names of various colors, printed in colors as well. "Red" is the only name on the poster not printed in it's own color, instead it is in green. "red" has already been used as a password, so the password can be deduced as green.
The symbol ∞ is marked on the wall in Level 1-H, the mathematical symbol for infinity. infinity is the password.
Level 1-I features a strange symmetrical pattern on the floor. This is a vague clue, the answer is mirror.
The next room is completely void of any features. This is actually the clue, the password is nothing.
Level 1-M has the number 1 in one corner and 16 in the other. There are 16 squares in the room. The ladder to the next level is on square 10, giving the password 10. In the other door is a room with a crate. Type w to open it.
In Level 2-A, The missing letters refers to the skip after the "nothing room" from 1-I to 1-M. The password is jkl. However, someone was here before you and smashed a hole into the door. Just walk trough it. There's also a sign on the wall with the text headcrabs. You can use this password on Level 0 to go directly to Level 2-A.
There are 12 shaded squares in Level 2-B. The password is 12.
The numbers on the floor in 2-C are all prime numbers. Thus the password, prime numbers. In this room is the first page of the bartender's diary, the piece of paper on the floor. This is the text that appears when the "read" option is clicked on.
Bartender Diary, Page 1: I can't believe I used it.. I couldn't figure out the answer to that riddle.. I let my anger prevail. Judging from what happened, I'm lucky to be still alive!
Level 2-D is a cube-shaped room with cube numbers on the wall. The password is cube.
Level 2-E has random letters on the wall. However, if you were to raise the shaded squares on the floor with those on the wall, you'll be left with a four-lettered word. The password is bear.
Level 2-F's hint is the backwards ? on the floor. The password is kram noitseuq.
In Level 2-G there are two doors, and two raised tiles with the letter two on them. The second page of the bartender's diary can be found here, and the following text appears when it is read.
Bartender Diary, Page 2: That plate on the wall of L2A.. it was on L1A too and now I understand what it is for. It would have been useful if I had planned to leave this place before reaching the last level.
The answer for Level 2-G is 2. Going to the upper door, you find that the door that is blocked is also closed. Take the lower door first, to Level 2-H.
The answer in level 2-H is 26. 14+4=18, 18+8=26, 26+16=42, 42+32=74. It's the previously added number times 2.
In Level 2-I, the letters are one after the required one in the English alphabet. The answer is next room.
The password to Level 2-J is 25. Each row follows the same math. Figure it out. X-Y+Z=n
On the wall of Level 2-K is the phrase "2L ?". The answer is water, since the answers for 2L spell the formula for water.
Back to Level 2-L, where the door should be open and the following answers will lower the blocks; h, 2, o.
Ignore Level 2-M and head straight to the back room. This crate is exactly like the one on Level 1, except now you type t.
Back in Level 2-M, notice the square grid and the number on the first tile. The door is on the 2nd tile from the left and from the top, so the answer is 22.
Level 3-A is full of loos and contains the 4th page from the bartender diary. The password is bathroom. There's a sign on this wall similar to the sign on Level 2-A. The password on the sign (decapod) will let you go directly to Level 3-A by saying it on Level 0.
Level 3-B is full of fish tanks and the password is aquarium.
Level 3-C has 4 squares with sand on them and saying anything will create 4 mini pyramids. The password is Egypt.
Level 3-D is empty but it starts shaking when you say anything. The password is earthquake.
Level 3-E has 4 flashing boxes and an arrow. If you look closely you'll see that there are 3 boxes flashing in a sequence. If you give each box a number (starting from the left), you'll see that box 3, 1 and 4 flash in that order. 3,14 is the beginning of a number called 'Pi', thus giving the password Pi. Follow the arrow into the room to the right.
This room called Level 3-F contains 5 crates each one with numbers above them. Here you have to pick the digits of Pi in the right order. For example, if we want to pick the number 4, we try to open the crate with '47' above it because it contains the number 4. The first digits of Pi are 3.141592 and gives the combination: 38, 10, 47, 10, 56, 29, 29. If you picked the creates in the right order you'll receive another 250 award points. Remember, don't pick the wrong crate or continue after you're done because the floor will open and bring you back to level 2-A (If it happens, just click on the 'Map' button, enter the Secret Location again and use the password decapod on level 0).
Go back ot Level 3-E, use the password Pi again and enter the other door.
Level 3-G has a big black floor, page 5 of the bartender diary, 2 lamps on the wall and the door to level 4. there are also 2 doors to other rooms. This is similar to Level 2, you have to follow both paths and activate a switch at the ends. Start by going trough the door in the upper right.
This room, called Level 3-H contains a picture on the wall, a bow and arrow, a chair, a tiny red house and a hint on the floor: ?e???. The password is peach as it's related to all the objects.
Level 3-I is empty besides some odd looking symbols on the wall. It's meant to look like the word 'APPLE' and the password is... apple.
Level 3-J has a banana on the floor and the text 'blane manona' on the wall. If you eliminate the letters of banana from the wall, you're left with the password. The password is not banana, it's lemon.
Level 3-K has an image of a video tape with an American flag on it. The password is ntsc which was the standard analog television system and was used on video tapes. The other thing on the floor about fruits is just confusing so ignore it.
Go trough the door to the right (which you have already opened) and you'll find a room which you have seen before. The password is still the same (water) and reveals a switch on the floor. Activate it and leave.
Back on Level 3-K, enter the other room to the left.
Here you'll find Level 3-M which contains a huge wall with the text 'DOOM' on it and a crate behind it. Use the password idclip which was a cheat in the old video game Doom to make it possible to walk trough walls. And now you can do the same with the wall in the room and open the crate to gain 250 award points.
Now go all the way back to Level 3-G where you'll notice that one of the lamps on the wall are green. Then enter the room at the bottom left.
Level 3-N is dark and you can read the text 'Automatic light switch device' on the wall. Just clap your hands by using the actions menu or the command /clap!
Level 3-O has an image of a phone and a number on the floor. Some phones have letters on the numbered buttons. By usin these letters you can create the words enter in if you use 0 as a space. This is also the password.
Level 3-P has an odd looking device on the wall which flashes when you say anything. If you look closely you'll notice that it's Morse Code and gives the letters 'HOWRU' which means 'How are you?'. Give it the answer fine to open the door.
Level 3-Q is really tricky. If you walk around you'll notice that the floor is higher on some places. By figuring out where the floor is higher you'll find that it forms the number '41'. Combine this with the number '2' visible on the floor and you'll get the number 241 which is the password.
Level 3-R requires some knowledge about music. The musical notes on the wall are actually a tiny bit of a famous symphony by Beethoven. That's also the password. Activate the revealed switch. It's helpful to take a screenshot of the wall for use later on.
To the west of this room (lower left), there is 3-S. It has another crate and the clue +55 on the wall. The password for opening this crate and gaining more 250 credits is right here.
Go all the way back to Level 3-G where a huge part of a piano has revealed itself. If you step on the keys from the room in 3R in the proper order, the gate will open. The key closest to you is C, and the farthest is G. Don't forget the key signiture (B flat, E flat and A flat).
Down from 3G is 4A, plus the 6th page of the journal. "This is it, I have a feeling that this is the last level. How long have I been here for? It seems days now... Sparky I'm coming!" There is another plaque with the word baltar, which will get you to this room quickly from Level 0.
On the wall of 4A are a series of asterisks: first 9, then 7, then 6. They are the letters of the three words of the beginning of each level: headcrabs, decapod, baltar. That's the password for the next room.
Door in the 4B is open, so just enter 4C. There is a box, which open when you say anything. A red balloon with clock attached to it flies out the box. The answer is time flies.
In room 4D, say anything and a jack-in-the-box will pop open and say "Booh!" Your character must be surprised, so simply get a surprised face by typing in :O and the door will open.
In room 4E, different dummies will say things that show that certain of them are lying and some are telling the truth, so using logic you're supposed to come up with the answer. You deduce that E and F are telling the truth and that A is lying about not having the right answer. Thus, you take A's number, 7, and multiply it by 8. The answer is 56. If you say anything other than the answer, the floor will crumble and you will get sent back to the start of the second floor.
In the next room, you will find Bartender Diary, Page 7, 2 doors, a big hole in the wall and a hint in the floor: 12 feb 2021. If you enter in the hole at the wall, you will find a broken robot. She will ask you to find her painting's name, in exchange to open one of the doors of the previous room. The name of the painting is The Scream. This room has also an opened door to the next room. There you will find room 4Z, which has a dog house, a screen, and an opened door to the last room, but if you go there, you find you can only access Bartender Diary, Page 8and a broken tube that brings you back to the entrance of the shack.
Going back to the room that has the 12 feb 2021 hint, if you have said the name of the painting to the robot, you'll see one door opened, enter and just open the chest to win more 250 credits. To proceed to the next room, transform the hint in numbers and you will obtain 1202 2021, a palindrome, the password to the next room.
The room 4G is hardworking. You'll see a Japanese inscription on the wall, and many letters and black boxes in the floor, wich is a sudoku. Solve the puzzle and give the letters that are missing: ecibfdceiaaibchfceadgbfcedbhgaigafdba edgfdcbh (all toghether).
In the next room, 4H, you'll find the sequence 3 1 1 5 0 2 8 13 21 in the wall. Unscrambled, these numbers forms the Fibonacci numbers, which is also the password, but, as the numbers are scrambled, you need to scramble the password too: nibafocci.
In the room 4I you'll see in the right wall a closed window and a /7 inscription. And on your front you'll see the Automatic light switch device Sign. Then, /clap, the light will turn off, but the window will open, /clap again and the light will turn on. In the opened window you'll see a nice Beach Picture. In one of the leaves of the Palm, you'll see a red dot, a dead pixel. Say it, and the lights of the floor will turn on, appearing some white and black lines. So, once you have completed all of these, you come to the FINAL LEVEL
You type:
And the door will open.
You will see that the next room apparently has a door proceeding to the next, but DO NOT go down the broken tube, or it will take you RIGHT to the start of the location! I repeat, DO NOT.
So now we've come to the end of this walkthrough, and hopefully you've earnt a few credits from this! (And the achievement you have actually completed this task, FINALLY!)
This post is an adaption from What are the passwords for the warbears secret location
with the end added! Thanks for reading and enjoy Warbears!
By Jodie, fellow warbear-er
OPEN That's the answer, if you are talking about the secret location FIRST password.
go on Google search then type "club penguin guide Gary secret mission then watch the video on youtube an easier way is just go to you tube type in club penguin garys secret misssion walkthrough and watch the video
mission 4 got an update. it will come out soon. maby even before 2011! but that's not all. the warbears get a makeover for the website. in mission 3 the warbears got sucked underwater and became victims of the fishes plan. the hostages were never rescued though.(lousy police men). anyway, in mission 4 find out what happens to the warbears as they fight the fish and stop their plan to suck all the air under the water so they can survive up top as the new dominant species. the main info right now is based on the comments at warbears.com say this kind of stuff: i think one of them should die. how do they survive down there? how long will the developing take?
There are 3 different secret squares that you water, but the location of the squares are different for each game.
You buy a new digger drill and you use it.
OPEN is the first answer
ecibfdceiaaibchfceadgbfcedbh gaigafdbaedgfdcbh
OPEN That's the answer, if you are talking about the secret location FIRST password.
here:http://www.warbears.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5631 It explains it. warbears rocks!
I don't know i think its something to do with Binary that's all i know.
Noooobody knows! He features in mission 2 as the guy with a sword and if you watch my video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYA1GBPqobQ This message in secret location implies he was there once...
Its Called Secret Location, I'm only going to answer your specific question though. Type OPEN Good luck with the othe 50 or so doors :3.
In the updated version of Warbears, you can find the bartender in the new area called ''The Pit Stop''. Head over to the upper right corner of the map to locate the bartender at this new location.
they are not no cheats aviable in warbears only glitches
Warbears doesn't have cheats :P.