OPEN That's the answer, if you are talking about the secret location FIRST password.
mission 4 got an update. it will come out soon. maby even before 2011! but that's not all. the warbears get a makeover for the website. in mission 3 the warbears got sucked underwater and became victims of the fishes plan. the hostages were never rescued though.(lousy police men). anyway, in mission 4 find out what happens to the warbears as they fight the fish and stop their plan to suck all the air under the water so they can survive up top as the new dominant species. the main info right now is based on the comments at say this kind of stuff: i think one of them should die. how do they survive down there? how long will the developing take?
jetty01 password: secret answer: jetty canadagirl2000 password: secret answer:canada giggly12 password: secret answer: florida avajoan4456 password: secret answer: joan mollycoddles1 password: secret answer: molly zhangzong: password: secret answer: china
the password is "bossfight."
At the login page, underneath the part where you type in your password, click forgot password. Then you can change your password.
password cracker v1.4.725 by skidrow
ecibfdceiaaibchfceadgbfcedbh gaigafdbaedgfdcbh
I don't know i think its something to do with Binary that's all i know.
they are not no cheats aviable in warbears only glitches
Warbears doesn't have cheats :P.
There is none
here: It explains it. warbears rocks!
OPEN is the first answer
Uh, Takes a screenshot?
Hello, I'm one of the bug hunters of Warbears. It's illegal to have a copy of this without the creator's permission. For that reason, you cannot obtain it.