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have a all water or all fire team.for water i suggest swampert,kingdra,milotic,walrein,kyogre,and pelipper[make sure all know rain dance and hydro pump].for fire torkoal,blaziken,groudon,magcargo,camerupt,and another camerupt[make sure all know sunny day and overheat.

OK, on the above that all water thing will get you wiped out by grass types and fire by water types. i would suggest one of each. depending on your starter.

Torchic - Blaziken

Ralts - Gardevoir

Magicarp - Gyarados

Machop - Machoke / Machamp

Oddish - Bellossom / Vileplume

Taillow - Swellow


Mudkip - Swampert

Ralts - Gardevoir

Oddish - Bellossom / Vileplume

Taillow - Swellow

Machop - Machoke / Machamp

Numel - Camerupt


Treeko - Sceptile

Ralts - Gardevoir

Magicarp - Gyarados

Numel - Camerupt

Taillow - Swellow

Machop - Machoke / Machamp

And when you get farther in the game you can replace some with

Bagon - Salamance

Trapinch - Flygon




Latios / Latias

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13y ago

I'm not sure, but my team is torkoal, swampert, ludicolo, seviper, raichu, and salamence.

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