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Q: The sixth letter in the world ALLOWANCE is?
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What is the uniform allowance of nursing staff in sixth pay commission?

The uniform allowance of nursing staff in sixth pay commission is the forth Sunday every other March.

Can you get an example of a letter asking the money for food allowance?

hi sir please provide e my food allowance of aed 410

What is a seven letter word with w as sixth letter?

What is a seven letter word with w as the sixth letter?

Seven letter word sixth letter is o?

What is a seven letter word with o as the sixth letter

What is a seven letter word with the sixth letter being an o?

Visitor has the sixth letter being an o.

How do you write a letter asking for car allowance to employer?

When writing a letter asking for a car allowance from your employer, it is important to be professional and clear. Start by addressing the letter to the appropriate person, such as your supervisor or the HR department. Clearly state your request for a car allowance, providing specific reasons why you believe it is warranted, such as increased job responsibilities or a long commute. Be sure to include any supporting documentation, such as estimates of car-related expenses, to strengthen your case.

What is a 7 letter word with e as fourth letter and t as sixth letter?

What is a 7 letter word with e as fourth letter and t as sixth letter?

What is the amount of medical allowance for pensioners as per sixth pay commission?

There is a news item in local newapaper Gujarat Samachar". that medical allowance is revised to Rs. 300. Any circular available. A.G.Sanghavi 12.06.2010

What is the sixth country in the world?

The sixth country in the world is Russia, by land area.

What is the sixth consonant?

The sixth consonant in the English alphabet is the letter "F."

What 7 letter word has the same first and sixth letter?

Examples of seven letter words with the first and sixth letter the same are:abysmalacrobatadmiralanagramarrivalarsenalcadencecollectcompactconductconnectconvictcorrectcrevicedegradedioxideearthenempowerepauletescapeefalsifyfortifygarbagegeologyhealthyidioticidyllicillicitinertiainhabitinheritinsulininteriminvalidkaraokelegiblelikablemacramenirvananothingoctagonopinionoutdoorovationperhapspreemptrapportrapturerectoryrequirerestorerevelryrhubarbrivalryrobberyrupturesarcasmsawdustselfishstylishsubsistsuccesssucrosesuggestsupposesurpasssynapsetaffetatermitethirstythriftytributetrinitytwelfthuranium

How do you write a transport allowance letter?

i need to make transports allow ance letter