Oh, dude, a ten-letter word with "a" as the second letter? Let me put on my detective hat for this one. How about "abandoned"? It's like "a-ban-doned," get it? So, technically correct, but also, like, who really cares, right?
A five letter word, second letter F is after or often.
An eight letter word with x as a second letter is exciting.
The word reversible itself is ten letters.Another possibility is palindrome.
Breadcrumb is a 10 letter word. Chocoholic is a 10 letter word.
The unstressed vowel in the word "frightening" is the letter "i" in the second syllable "-ten-".
pharmacies, charlatans, characters, Charleston, pharyngeal
A ten letter word that means equal to is equivalent.
A ten letter word ending in 'ier' is Chandelier.
A ten letter word for these items is instrument.
What is the second letter of the word 'Zoom'?
if you want to know what ten letter word starts with 'gasoline'. it could be 'automobile' or 'motorcycle'. if you want to know what ten letter word starts with 'gas', it's 'plasmatron'....
A five letter word, second letter F is after or often.
An eight letter word with x as a second letter is exciting.