The word reversible itself is ten letters.
Another possibility is palindrome.
Breadcrumb is a 10 letter word. Chocoholic is a 10 letter word.
A ten-letter word for the koala's food is eucalyptus.
A ten letter word that means equal to is equivalent.
A ten letter word ending in 'ier' is Chandelier.
A ten letter word for these items is instrument.
if you want to know what ten letter word starts with 'gasoline'. it could be 'automobile' or 'motorcycle'. if you want to know what ten letter word starts with 'gas', it's 'plasmatron'....
the letter is u
A 10 letter word for sorry is remorseful.
A ten letter word for teenager is adolescent.
The prefix for the word "reversible" is "re-".
Breadcrumb is a 10 letter word. Chocoholic is a 10 letter word.
A reversible word that reads the same forwards and backwards is called a palindrome.