By now you likely figured this out, that you can't. That is just a move that you will learn at that level (after compleating certain requirements) unless you have the opposite sides Move
Fierce Demon Fang - Double Demon Fang
If you have Double Demon Fang, you can't learn Fierce Demon Fang.
1st you have to have the unison attack, then put 2 or more certain techniques together, for example, with Genis and Raine, Genis use Ground Dasher then immediately use Raine's Ray then it will make Prism Stars.
By starting the "Fairy Tales Pt. 2" quest
Use the walkthrough.
You don't
you use a blue flute to wake it up.after its awake you battle it.
be around 26-35 and use your best techniques
you dont get it until after the Ossa Trail but you hit Z then hit a,b,y and x like... immediately after.
Level 30, you get a skill called "Over Limit". Then you use an arcane arte, and hold down the "A" button. That should trigger your mystic arte.
1st you have to have the unison attack, then put 2 or more certain techniques together, for example, with Genis and Raine, Genis use Ground Dasher then immediately use Raine's Ray then it will make Prism Stars.
Yes, if you change Genis to the Strike Type. You can do this by changing his Ex-Skills to S-Type. He will learn it at Level 53, if you use Spark Wave and Grave 50 times.
It says in the back of the box: fantasy violence and language. It'ts mostly because they use a little bad language. The character, Genis, uses the word @$$ in some point. But that's abviously not all...
Zelos can only use judgment if you talked to Kratos in Flanoir instead of your other friends. Except you can't use his judgment because if you talk to Kratos you have to fight and kill Zelos. The only actual time he uses judgment is when you fight him
One means that they only use magic, one means that they only use up close attacks, and in the middle means they can use them both. I am pretty sure that "S" is up close (like Lloyd, Presea, Regal...) and "T" is magic (Raine, Genis)
what types of technology do techs use
"Tales of Graces f" if you can import games or have a modded wii. (watch youtube for subbed version, use walkthrough for in game). "Monster Hunter Tri" if you have wifi and a friend to go online with or you can make friends online. "Tales of Symphonia 2" is the best in my opinion if your looking for a rpg beat em' up.
Hawk is a very tough boss. When I faced him, I just blocked ALOT. Blocking should be your first priority, THEN attack. Also, use alot of items like lemon gels and life bottles. You might want to spam your unison attack or save up to use your special(if you are in the 30's) Also, like the above comment said, use your items.
An oscilloscope is sued to study A/C waveforms. Many engineers and techs use them.