No, but if you are into street fighter, I heard street fighter 4 is coming out for the DS.
No such thing has been spoken about or even hinted at by Nintendo. With the 3DS set to launch before March of 2011, there is not enough time for a Super Smash Bros. game for the Nintendo DS to be developed. B. Actually no there is not, but 2 things. There is a super smash bros homebrew for DS and there is a game exactly/similar to the game Super Smash Bros. The similar game is called Jump Super Stars, and the sequel Jump Ultimate Star. Its basically a Super smash bros but a brawler of the famous Manga called Shonen Jump.
Yes and No. There is only one for the 3DS. If you get homebrew on your DS/DSi, you can get Super Smash Bros. Clash.
No, and Nintendo shows no signs of making one.
Did you mean New Super Mario Bros.? Yoshi isn't in that, but he is playable in Super Mario 64 DS, and you can ride him in New Super Mario Bros. Wii!
No, there is no Super Smash Bros. Brawl DS.
super smash Bros brawl is not coming out on ds
No. Super Smash Bros. Brawl has not been made for the Nintendo DS.
You can't, Super Smash Bros Brawl is a Wii game and as such can't be played on a DS.
No, you can not. Brawl is Wii exclusive.
no, it is only for the wii
They almost certainly can't port Brawl to DS, but they might make a DIFFERENT Super Smash Bros for DS. Keep your fingers crossed...
No, they are not going to make a Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the DS.Though, it has been brought up many times, and the creator of Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been thinking about a Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the DS (or another installment on the Smash Bros. series), but nothing is in development right now. Right now, it's just a thought, and not an actual plan, so it isn't in development now.
as cool as it would be, no. The Smash Bros series is only on consoles for now.
Simply no wish it was because i have a DS and not a WII but anyway no.
super Mario bros DS, super smash bros. brawl, and Mario kart wii