

Best Answer

Residents automatically get 3 stars.

30-50 gems is 1 star,

And idk the rest :|


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Q: Stars on ourworld
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In sugar stars

What is a wishing star on ourworld?

In OurWorld, a wishing star is a virtual item that players can collect by playing games, participating in events, or purchasing in-game. Wishing stars can be used to make wishes at the Wishing Well, which may grant players rewards or items for their avatar.

How do you makeout on ourworld?

You Cant Make Out on ourworld .

Is there an OurWorld 2?

No, at this time there is not an OurWorld 2.

When was Ourworld created?

Ourworld was created in 2008-09.

Who made ourworld game?

krista jolie made ourworld

Are there any ourworld cheats?

yes. Go to this site:

Can you do the moonwalk on ourworld?

yes i can do moonwalk and u ? what ur name in ourworld ?

Why do you have 40 slots in ourworld?

The 40 slots on ourworld indicate how many items you can have in your inventory on ourworld. You can always buy extra inventory on ourworld with gems or get residency which can get you more inventory space. Hope this helped :)

Is ourworld a game?

ourWorld is a social game where teens can interact in a virtual world! You can learn more about outWorld by visiting this site --

What is an ourworld gem code for 500 gems?

Now, because of the Ourworld changes, you have to download the toolbar and find out the gem code from there, the code only works if you load ourworld from the Link on the toolbar.Credit:

Who invtede ourworld?

if the question is who invented ourworld and i am assuming you mean the game, Flowplay