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Q: What shop is addison hair in ourworld?
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How do you buy items for your clubhouse in ourworld?

Click 'shop' in your clubhouse -MeganHatesMatt

How do you makeout on ourworld?

You Cant Make Out on ourworld .

Is there an OurWorld 2?

No, at this time there is not an OurWorld 2.

What kind of business is a barber shop?

When I had hair I went to a barber shop to have my hair trimmed

When was Ourworld created?

Ourworld was created in 2008-09.

What do you have to do to turn into a bear on ourworld?

Well you have to go to this shop. I think it's called Enchantments. Go to that and click on shape shifting. Buy the bear.

How do you put stuff on your wishlist in ourworld?

when you shop, there is a button next to the pay button that has a pink star and says "Add to you wishlist". click on it and it will be added.

Where can you get the alva hair on Fantage?

you can get the alva hair in the vintage shop. the vintage shop is located in uptown.

Who made ourworld game?

krista jolie made ourworld

How do you and where can you get the Blonde Secretary hair or the Blonde Intriguing hair on Fantage?

you can get the blonde intruging hair or the alva hair( the blonde secretary hair is called alva hair) in the vintage shop. the vintage shop is in uptown.

Where do you dye your hair in the front?

In the celestial hair shop.

What is addison in spanish?
